Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Day of Wierd Articles

Its one of those days where my brain just refuses to see logic in what I read. Skepticism encoded in my genes being the main culprit, I'd also share the blame with the articles themselves.

WAITAMINIT! Where was the whole philosophy of adopting vegetarianism to have a healthier life or to not eat anything that would swear at you real loud if it knows your language! Do the researches and statisticians just pick two topics at random and try to correlate them. I'll come up with a better hypothesis - Starve for 2 days a week to cut your grocery expense by 30% :o

This helps you analyze a person's character based on the type of pizza they order. Summarizing the article from Love Doctor Dietician,
  • "Always let your date order the pizza," coz your date might even believe in this article. And doh, if you do, helps you judge the other guy/gal.
  • If your date gives you a dirty look for ordering a one topping meat pizza, flip the switch in your head.
One word - WOW :) Social email etiquette, how to make sure your buddy reads this forward about a dead Nigerian millionaire or the story of a rose you definitely need to pass on to 6 people.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Move Complete!

So last month, I've changed teams and changed my hairdo (well, err, too lazy for a haircut), so this seemed like the apt moment to change my e-residence as well. So long, Spaces.